Waxing Near Me - Transform and Revel in Flawless Skin | BARE Body Waxing Studio
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Full Body Waxing

Ditch your Razor & say goodbye to stubble for good!

 We know hair removal can be tricky, especially in hard to reach places. No matter the reason or occasion we got you covered from head to toe.

Professional Body Waxing Hair Removal Services in Lake Charles, Louisiana - Get smooth and flawless skin with our expert waxing services. Discover the best hair removal in Lake Charles, LA. Book your appointment today!

Take care of you while we take care of your skin.

Face Waxing

From Fuzz to Fabulous: The Transformative Power of Face Waxing.

Put the latest trends to the side and stick with wax that works. We know facial hair can be tricky, and a bother for some. But rest assured its a challenge we all face.


Say your final good byes to that tweezer and 10x mirror, BARE Body Waxing is your new go-to. Offering facial waxing for women & men let us help you put your best face forward.   

Arm Waxing

Ditch the Razor: Why Arm Waxing is the Trend You Need to Try

Slide into that sleeveless dress, rock those tank tops, or simply enjoy the breeze on your newly liberated arms. Because at BARE Body Waxing Studio, we're not just about removing hair; we're about revealing the radiant YOU underneath.   

Upper Body Waxing

Who Needs Sweaters? Flaunt That Silky Upper Body All Year Round!

BARE Wax Estheticians are like the superheroes of the hair-removal world. They've got the skills, the finesse, and the magic touch to get to those tricky nooks and crannies. So, why play the never-ending game of hide-and-seek with those hard-to-reach hairs? Let our Wax Specialists be your smooth saviors!


And the best part?

They'll have you in, out, and flaunting your fuzz-free self in less time than it takes to watch your favorite sitcom episode! 

Lower Body Waxing

Step Up Your Smooth Game: Lower Body Waxing for the Win

Get Legs So Smooth, They'll Think You Were Born This Way. Why settle for occasional smoothness when you can strut your stuff and glide through life with perpetually silky legs? When you pencil in regular leg waxes on your calendar, you're not just booking an appointment; you're securing a ticket to the Smooth Legs Society!


And of course we cant forget about the cheeks. Nothing completes a Brazilian or Full Leg Wax quite like a smooth as silk babies bottom.

Waxing 101: What's the Buzz?


Waxing, in its essence, is a semi-permanent hair removal technique. Think of it as a mini spa session for your skin where warm wax is spread over your unwanted hair. Once it cools, it's swiftly pulled off, and voila! The hair comes off from the roots, leaving you with a smooth finish.

Lets get wax-educated. Visit our Wax Articles to learn more!

Eye Brows

Brows are a specialty. Our expert estheticians are trained to create the perfect brow shape for you. Discover the importance of eyebrow waxing and how it can enhance your overall appearance.

Women laying down recieveing an eye brow wax

We do not believe in over waxing or tweezing

and will train your brows and educate you throughout the process. No two brows are a like (literally) and we have mastered the art of

illistration of an eye brow demonstraiting where to apply wax for hair removal

Brow Shapes for All


We understand the importance of a good brow shaping. 

Our expert estheticians will analyze your face shape and recommend the best brow shape to enhance your features.

Explore some common shapes below and our brow guidelines.

Price: $30

20% off for First Time Clients

Women laying down recieveing an eye brow wax

Natural Brow Shaping

illistration of an round shaped eye brow


Brows that have a soft, curved arch, rather than a sharp peak or a flat line. Rounded brows can give a harmonious and balanced appearance. The soft curves can impart a youthful and friendly look to the face.

illistration of an arched shaped eye brow
illistration of an flat shaped eye brow


Brows that have a relatively straight line with minimal or no arch. Flat brow shapes give a natural, youthful and understated look. It can lend a sense of stability, calmness, or seriousness to the face.


Brows that have a distinct and pronounced curve or peak. Arched brows can give a face a lifted appearance, emphasizing the eyes and adding a touch of drama.

illistration of a masculine shaped eye brow


Brows tend to be thicker, fuller, and straighter appearance than other shapes. They often have coarser hair and a denser growth pattern.

Brow Tinting

A women with henna stain painted on her brow

What is Brow Tinting?

Temporary staining of the skin and hair to give a "filled in" eyebrow effect.

Perfect for those who love a filled in brow look everyday!

Helpful  Solutions

Henna tint also helps to provide fullness to sparse brows, or to hide patches during the brow Re-growth process for those who wish to get back to their natural brow shape.

a women laying down receiving an eye brow wax

How long will tint last?

Henna Tint lasts up to:

2 weeks on Skin

4 weeks on Hair

A professional women dressed in a navy blue suite with a white top holding a pair of tweezers and sissors

Let us get your Brows Right!

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